Interview Tips

  • Analyse the vacancy before you show up: When you go prepared, it shows. Being on the same page as that of your interviewer will only increase your chances of being selected. Read up about the job profile before you actually go in, and watch how it all works in your favour.

  • Pitch your achievements wellThere may be times when the interviewer would ask about your greatest achievements. You would not want to sit there for a long time thinking about which one would suit the best. It works well when you do the thinking in advance. It essentially gives you more time to fine tune it later on.

  • Practice confidenceConfidence is not something that comes overnight. When you practice the interview and all the possible ways it would go in, you enter with a sense of knowledge, that you can crack through the interview, come what may. And whether you accept it or not, such a vibe around you is magnetic; it gets people hooked.

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